News Archive 2016
News stories will be moved here from the Home Page as more news becomes available.
March 2016:
New Movie: John Geall's Jolie Brise
By, at the same time, filming and sailing his model of the Jolie Brise and also mounting a GoPro camera on the stern, John Geall captured some exciting video. You can view it on the Club web site or directly on YouTube.
January/February 2016:
Road Closure to Setley Pond
The gate across the road to the pond has been locked by the Forestry Commision. This is because the pot holes are considered not safe for the general public to have access. The Club has a key to the gate which can be used at members own risk but the gate can only be opened if the entrance is manned to prevent non-member access. We have been advised not to use the road beyond the large potholes so it will mean parking and walking/carrying models down to the lake. Please note that the lane that runs to the east side of the pond is a private access road for the properties down it, if you do park on it you may be asked to move, please do not block access to the properties.
Highcliffe Exhibition Poster and Winter 2016 Newsletter
Click on the thumbnail (left) to view the poster for the 2016 Highcliffe Model Boat Exhibition in support of the RNLI. Also the Club newsletter for Winter 2016 is now available on the Newsletters page.
SRCMBC Charity News...
Here is a "thank you" letter from New Forest Disability who received money from the Raffle at the Club's Christmas lunch. Also the latest news letter about Zeb, the guide dog being sponsored by the Club.
Click on images to view each page.
State of the Pond - February 2016!
This was the water level at Setley Pond on Sunday 7th February. The pond has extended across the southern part of the main car park and is almost joining up with the water on the marsh land to the north. Members are reminded that the water over the latter area hides one or two deeper holes that it is easy to fall into! It is best not to be tempted to sail your boat there. (14th Feb: water still at similar level).
Club Events Dates now available
Dates for the Club Events during 2016 are now listed on the Diary Dates web page.
Viewing Movies - no more "Thumbnails"!
When the club web site was started in summer 2008, internet connections were slow and many computers struggled to display videos unless they were in a small window with relatively low resolution. The solution we eventually adopted was to have a "large" version of each video (which is hosted on YouTube) and a small "Thumbnail" version for members with a poor internet service. Times change and, since some of the newer web browsers will no longer display the old "Thumbnail" movie, it has been discontinued. The larger "YouTube" movie versions can still be viewed either from the photo galleries for a model, or on the SRCMBC YouTube Channel. If this change causes any problems please Contact me!.
Close Encounters of an RC kind...
Grand Banks schooner sails across bows of HMS Penzance! Dave Reith has sent us this video recorded at Setley Pond on Sunday (17th Jan 2016).View by clicking on the photo above, or if you prefer, directly on YouTube. Thanks Dave!
Looking down on Setley Pond!
If you were at Setley Pond on Sunday (10th Jan 2016) you may have seen a radio controlled drone hovering over the pond. It was being flown by Oliver Hill (of H2 Sailing) who has created a video showing a different view of the pond! It can be viewed by clicking on the photo above, or if you prefer, directly on YouTube. Our thanks to Oliver for making it available to the club.
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