Jack Fry Trophy

Jack Fry Trophy

Purchased in 1990 by the club in memory of Jack Fry who was one of the first club members to sail a One Metre yacht and who keenly promoted the adoption of the class by the club. The Club Committee decided that each year one Sunday should be included in the sailing programme for One Metre racing and the trophy awarded to the winner.

YearWinner YearWinner YearWinner
1990 T.Baker 1991 T.Baker 1992 I.Copsey
1993 M.Houlton 1994 I.Copsey 1995 I.Copsey
1996 A.Cross 1997 N.Woodwell 1998 I.Copsey
1999 I.Copsey 2000 A.Ford 2001 R.Hoare
2002 A.Ford 2003 I.Copsey 2004 ?
2005 ? 2006 Sid Bennett 2007 Martin Houlton
2008 Peter Dawson 2009 Bob Hoare 2010 Robin Clabburn
2011 Alan Maynard 2012

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