Presidents Cup 2000

Presidents Cup 2000

With the number of 6m yachts within the club growing and the adoption of the class by the club, the President Mr I.Copsey presented this trophy in the millennium year 2000 with the request that it be sailed for as an annual event on the racing programme. As there is already an annual invitation match racing event, this meeting is to be confined to the Setley Club only and will be scored using the schedule system.

YearWinner YearWinner YearWinner
2000 A.Ford 2001 S.Bennett 2002 D.Watson
2003 I.Copsey 2004 ? 2005 ?
2006 I.Copsey 2007 (not awarded) 2008 Ian Garner
2009 (not awarded) 2010 (not awarded) 2011 Robin Clabburn

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