Sunday Points Trophy

Sunday Points Trophy

Presented in 1984 by Mr C.R.Jeffries as an award for the best aggregate Marblehead Sunday points score over the racing season by a newcomer to the club-provided the new member has not won any other trophy during the season. With the tankard being engraved "Sunday Points Trophy" its use is limited but it could be used for any class of yacht. Other than the above, there are no conditions attached to this gift.

YearWinner YearWinner YearWinner
1985 J.Fry 1986 A.Ford 1987 N.Woodwell
1988 M.Hills 1989 W.Wright 1990 H.Bates
1991 P.Vincent 1992 S.Bennett 1993 (not awarded?)
1994 (not awarded) 1995 (not awarded)

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