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Lymington RNLI Day 2012
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SRCMBC model boat exhibition in the Lifeboat Station, RNLI rescue demonstration, David's lifeboat on the River, Lymington Town Sailing Club Bath Race, a sunny day... and Ben Ainslie won gold!
Lymington Lifeboat Day 2011
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Holding the 2011 Lymington Lifeboat Day on the same day as the annual Sailing Club "Bath Race" (Sunday, 21st August) proved a great success. The SRCMBC exhibition in the Lifeboat Station was thronged with visitors throughout the day.
Lymington Lifeboat Day 2010
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Lymington Lifeboat day on the 25th July 2010 saw an impressive display of model boats and a good attendance by the public. Photos by Peter Taylor and Arthur Shannon.
Lymington Lifeboat Day 2009
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Some photos from Lymington Lifeboat day on the 2nd August 2009. One advantage at Lymington is that we are able to display our models in the Lifeboat house.
Calshot Lifeboat Day 2009
(SRCMBC Display)
(RNLI Demo)
(Other Entertainments)
(Action at Sea)
The Calshot Lifeboat Day 2009 was held on Sunday 12th July. The RNLI had constructed a fine model boat pool which proved very popular. Unfortunately the site is very exposed and a table blew over causing damage to some models.
Lymington Lifeboat Day 2008
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The club had a great display at the Lymington Lifeboat day on 3rd August. They had record takings in the shop and a lot of public interest despite poor weather. A framed photo of the Lifeboat was presented to the Club as a token of thanks.
Calshot 2008
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Photographs of the 20th July 2008 Calshot Lifeboat day taken by Alan Bond. Calshot is always a Fun Day with Rescue Helicopters, the Fawley Tugs, Zap Cats and lots else!
Hythe Raft Race 2006
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The Hythe Raft Race is held in support of the RNLI. The 2006 event took place on the 27th August and great fun was had by all.
Calshot Lifeboat Day 2006
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The 2006 Calshot Lifeboat Day on 22nd July was Very Hot! A large inflatable life-raft served as a model boat pond.