Photos of Barry and Shelley Thomas's Models

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Brown_MFV Brown MFV
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A classic fishing boat with lifelike crew; model: Barry Thomas.

Charlott_S Charlott S
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Harbour tug; Model: Barry Thomas.

City_of_Ely City of Ely
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World War II Liberty ship built 1943 and operated by Ellerman Lines; Deans Marine kit; Model: Barry Thomas.

Coal_Lighter Coal Lighter
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Bertha, a cargo lighter, registered Ely, laden with coal; model: Barry Thomas.

Coaster Coaster
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Coastal Tramp Steamer; Model: Barry Thomas.

Creole_Queen Creole Queen
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Mississippi Stern Wheel Paddle Steamer "Creole Queen"; model: Barry Thomas.

Drifter Drifter
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A small fishing vessel with drift nets; model: Barry Thomas.

Fire_Launch Fire Launch
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Fire launch, Hampshire Fire Service; Model: Barry Thomas.

Harbour_Tug Harbour Tug
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Harbour Tug; model: Barry Thomas.

Ielean-Shona Ielean-Shona
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Ielean-Shona, Cromarty Firth Port Authority Tender; model Barry Thomas

Marguerite Marguerite
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Fishing Smack, registered Falmouth; model: Barry Thomas.

MTB_Perkasa_2 MTB Perkasa (2)
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A "Perkasa type" fast patrol boat; model: Barry and Shelley Thomas.

Ocean_Going_Tug Ocean Going Tug
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Phoenix 2; Ocean going tugboat; model: Barry Thomas.

PS_Balmoral PS Balmoral
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Classic passenger paddle steamer; model: Barry Thomas.

Salvage_Tug Salvage Tug
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Ocean Going Salvage Tug; model: Barry Thomas.

Samson Samson
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Samson, a Duttch Harbour-River Tug, also used for Pilot Duties; Model: Barry Thomas.

Stern_Trawler Stern Trawler
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Stern Trawler, this type of trawler usually work in pairs with the catch processing carried out below decks. Model: Barry Thomas.

Smit_Rotterdam Smit Rotterdam
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When built in 1975, Smit Rotterdam was the largest and most powerful tugboat in the world. A Billings Kit model undergoing restoration by Barry Thomas.

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Page maintained by Peter Taylor Last modified: 07:54, 05 February 2012