


Shown below is an idea I have for a motor related article. Your interest (or otherwise!) will dictate my priorities in further developing the concept and publishing it. Also, this way I can take on-board any of your suggestions to enhance the project or better explain areas you may have difficulty with. Click here to rattle my cage!

DC Motor Selection
Determining the operating characteristics of a motor from its published parameters to assess it's suitability for your application. The conditions for max power delivery and max efficiency are determined and the choice of an operating point somewhere between these two is discussed.

This idea relies upon a program I have written to plot the efficiency and power curves for motors under varying voltage conditions, taken in conjunction with using my power analyser to capture motor volts and amps under real-life operating conditions (eg cruising or full speed ahead). The captured data is entered into the program and the (shaft) power and efficiency are read off from the curves. This way motor/propeller/battery trade-offs can be evaluated and optimised.

Page maintained by Alan Bond Last modified: 14:04, 04 February 2012