Test Gear



Shown below are some useful items of test gear that can help with fault-finding and set-up/optimisation of your R/C installation and electrics.

I always have these items with me at the pond if you want a discussion and/or demo.

DIY Servo Tester
This article is a constructional project only, its use will be covered in a planned article below. Essentially it is an 'entry-level' device but despite its limitations, it is still a handy gadget to have around.

Proposed Articles

Listed below are some proposed articles describing my test gear and its application. Your interest (or otherwise!) will dictate my priorities in writing and publishing them. Also, this way I can take on-board any of your suggestions to better explain areas you may have difficulty with. Click here to rattle my cage!

Servo Tester
The picture shows a top-of-the-range commercial tester, which as well as driving servos and ESCs can also monitor the output of a receiver channel to verify correct operation.

Power Analyser
This unit can be wired between your battery and your boat to display the voltage, current and watts being consumed. It also records minimum voltage, maximum current, amp-hours and watt-hours registered since switch-on (or reset).

Even the simplest and cheapest versions of these can be very useful - did you know you can check your receiver channels with one? - but you should understand their limitations when they are used to check batteries and measure high currents.

Page maintained by Alan Bond Last modified: 14:05, 04 February 2012