Pondside Rules


Pond-side Rules

Members (and visitors) may use the pond at anytime, please note however that the Sailing Section use the water for Racing on Tuesdays, some Wednesdays and Fridays, 10am to 12 noon, and you are requested not to impede sailing if you are at the lake. Visitors using the pond on club days are asked to pay a £1.50 day membership fee to ensure that they are covered by the club insurance.

Sail, Steam or Electric Powered Boats may be used on the pond. However Fast Racing Electrics and IC Powered boats are not permitted on Setley Pond at any time. Doing so will be a direct infringement of the Forestry Commision Rules (this is due to the proximity of local houses at Setley, if you wish you can use these boats at the pond at Stoney Cross). Please also see our Hovercraft Rules.

Steam Powered Boats: if necessary under the terms of the club insurance policy, please ensure that you have a current boiler certificate available for inspection before using your boat.

On Club Days, before putting your boat on the water, if you are using 27MHz or 40MHz please ensure that you have selected a frequency peg and replaced it on the peg board with a peg with your name on it, also placed the chosen peg on your aerial. Remember to put it back before you leave! (50p fine to club funds)

Only approved frequency bands may be used:
these are 40 MHz, 27 MHz and 2.4 GHz. Futaba 2.4 GHz sets will need to have proof that they have been checked by Futaba to ensure that the recent frequency clash problem (due to sets reverting to the factory default) has been rectified.

We cannot guarantee exclusive use of specific frequencies. There may be a situation where more than one member has the same frequency chip. Please be reasonable and share time on the water if requested, if no alternative chip is available to you.

Unless using 2.4GHz Aerial protectors are to be fitted at all times; on Club Days they are usually available for purchase at the pond (price 50p).

Please observe the Navigation Rules which define a slow speed area at the car park end of the pond. This is to minimise the risk of collisions and damage to models.

The Forestry Commission requirements include: that "reasonable care is to be taken to prevent disturbance to wild fauna and flora and to agricultural livestock"; "no smoking or lighting of fires is permitted" (New Forest Bye-Law); "compliance with instructions issued by the Forest District Manager or his representatives is to be observed".

Setley Pond provides us with a beautiful sailing location and these are simple requests to allow us to continue to use it!

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Page maintained by Peter Taylor Last modified: 17:06, 09 April 2012