What was new in 2008?
(Click on the date to view the details)
December 2008 |
Poor weather limited activity at the pond which was nearly, or fully, frozen over on a couple of occasions. Still it gave a chance to get this web site up to date! Fortunately the pond was clear of ice for the Royal Lymington Yacht Club's annual Boxing Day event (featured on our "Completely Different" page).
November 2008 |
Poor weather meant that Club action at the pond was less than normal. We had a some successful trading on the Members adverts web page and Fleece jackets and Beanie hats with club logo became available. On the 11th the QE 2 arrived in Southampton for the last time. The SRCMBC was there!.
October 2008 |
Model Boat Weekend at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Frequency Table updates, the Movies start to migrate to YouTube (but still available via this site). Scandal at the pond: wrecks and wreck recovery, and the "Completely Different" page features surfing at Bournemouth.
September 2008 |
Site Developments: a Google based search facility, a page "About the Site", a "Feedback Form", a "Weather Page", and "Members Adverts". Also photos and movies from the Portsmouth Model Boat Weekend and our first "spin-off" initiative, Alan Bond's Marine Engine Sound Unit on the Technobots Site.
August 2008 |
Portsmouth Navy Days, Lymington Lifeboat Day, Press Cuttings about early Highcliffe shows, and of course movies (including a rowed Lifeboat), and photos not only at Setley, but also at the Bournemouth Air Festival in our new "Completely Different" page!
July 2008 |
The site was "officially launched" on the 1st July. A report on the Club's 30th Anniversary Day, the Movie Gallery was started and, by the end of the month, the Photo Galleries had been transferred from PhotoBox to the Club site.
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