What was new during December 2011?

N.B. references to "Latest Photos gallery", "Members Adverts", etc. will be out of date! However the photos and movies referred to can now be found in the relevant Member's or Boat Type albums.
28th December 2011 "Prof" Alan Bond has a new Engine Sound System which features push button programming to select the appropriate engine sound for your model, its described in our "Hints and Tips" pages... New Programmable Engine Sound System and available as a built unit from Technobots.
26th December 2011 Photographs of the annual Boxing Day races for the Setley Cup organised by the Royal Lymington Yacht Club - see the home page.
24th December 2011 Just for a change, there are some photographs taken recently at the pond in the Latest Photos gallery! And by the way, the level of water in the pond has increased (a little)!
19th December 2011 The pond saw its first ice cover of the winter on Sunday, 18th December. Ice breaking by some of the larger models created some free water but boating activity was limited! However our "views from the past" continue with some fascinating photos by Roger Yeatman of "Setley on Sea" on New Year's Day 2001.
11th December 2011 There's been some grey, damp, and windy days at the pond recently so no recent boat photos. However Reg Radley has provided a photo of a time when you could sail across the car park. See the bottom of the "Depth of the Pond" page.
7th December 2011 A whole new section of the web site: "About Setley Pond". You can trace the History of the Pond from Victorian times to the present. There are some new albums of photos from the Early Days of the Club and you can compare the differences between Then and Now! There are new sections on the Depth of the Pond, Pond "Wildlife", and the Pond through the Seasons with lots of new photo albums. Take a look!

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Page maintained by Peter Taylor Last modified: 14:07, 04 February 2012