2014 Home Page News


News Archive 2014

News stories will be moved here from the Home Page as more news becomes available.

November/December 2014:


Winter has arrived!

On the morning of 30th December, Reg Radley took this photo of Setley Pond iced over for the first time this winter. But don't get your ice skates out just yet! The weather looks likely to return to mild, wet, and windy for the next few days. Best Wishes to everyone from the SRCMBC for a Happy 2015!


Scale Section Xmas Lunch

Around 48 members and guests enjoyed the Scale Section Christmas Lunch at the South Lawns Hotel, Milford-on-Sea, on Saturday 13th December 2014. The raffle was in aid of New Forest Disability and SCARF and raised £142. Graham Coombs has kindly provided some photos of the event.


Featured in MMI!

Club member Alan Bond's latest version of his Rudder Mixer has received an excellent review in the December 2014 issue of Marine Modelling International (pages 38 to 39). You can read about the new mixer in our Hints and Tips section and there is also a six page (pdf) article covering the detailed operation of the mixer and information on its availability.



SRCMYC Annual Presentation Luncheon

The Annual Presentation Luncheon for the Yachting Section, covering the April 2013 until September 2014 season, was held at the Cloud Hotel in Brockenhurst on the 22 November 2014, attended by members and wives. The Trophy's and Merit Certificates were presented by Alan Maynard the new Yachting Section Secretory. A raffle was held in aid of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust which raised £51.00.

The photo shows Trophy and Merit Certificate Winners: (from left) John Kemish, Peter Dawson, Alan Maynard, Dick Jobbins, Robin Clabburn, John Covel, John Tufnel.

Final Results Tables (pdf files): Trophy Competition Awards;   Series Trophy Awards.

October 2014:

image Mike Sheppard is looking for a new home for his marvellous trireme Mediterranean Galley which is propelled by two banks of oars (one lot of slaves are resting!). Offered free to SRCMBC members - see the Members Adverts for full details including a video of the galley in action!
[we understand this has now been "SOLD"!]

Autumn 2014 Newsletter and Club Calendar

The Autumn Newsletter is available from the News Letters page. As explained in the news letter, this year the Club Calendar is a Desk Calendar. Priced at just £3 it is superb value! Numbers are very limited, contact Lorna Soffe if you want a copy. Apologies to those who prefered the Wall Calendar format of previous years, this year it was going to be too expensive! [NB Calendar now SOLD out!]

September 2014:

2014 Solent Cup

The steering competition for the Solent Cup, held on Sunday 7th September 2014, was won by Alan Ovenden (full results). The photos show (left to right) Scale Captain David McNair-Taylor presenting Alan with the prize of a bottle of wine (and a cup from which to drink it); and the presentation of prizes to Bob Eaton (2nd) and Andy Davis (3rd).

August 2014:

Charity Exhibition well attended

With over 80 models on display, a fair-ground organ, 3D printing and sound unit demos, videos and slide shows, teas and superb home-made cakes, the SRCMBC Charity Exhibition was certainly the place to be on Saturday 30th August 2014. At times the halls were very crowded, particularly in the morning, and the RNLI and Hampshire and IoW Air Ambulance will benefit from the proceeds which totaled £485 on the day plus £200 in sales by the RNLI stall. Many thanks to Wightlink for the valuable ferry tickets used as lottery prizes, and the Lymington Branch of HSBC for their generous sponsorship which will be added to the total raised.

[photos of the model displays]  [more photos from during the event].

Model Boat Exhibition Saturday 30th August

featuring the

Wightlink Raffle

Click on the images for printable versions of the posters. SRCMBC Members: please print and display the Model Boat Show poster (left).

2014 Richard Graham Trophy

The steering competition, held on Sunday 20th July 2014, was won by Scale Captain David McNair-Taylor (full results). The photos below show (left to right) Lorna presents David with the Trophy; and David presents: 2nd prize to Chris Chataway; 3rd prize to Andy Davis; the Wooden Spoon to Chris Durham.


The SRCMBC Fishing Club was in action catching fish from the rapidly drying seasonal pond behind the car park. Several fish, all about 2 to 3 inches, were given a second chance in life by being transferred to the main pond. Several more fish, all about 3 foot long, got away. And.. (righthand photo) Cliff Newell claims a single score in the "How many Wellies can you fill with Water" competition.

July 2014:

Drama at Navy Day 2014!

The Air Ambulance landing by the side of the pond added an unexpected dimension to the Navy Day activities at Setley Pond on 6th July 2014. See all the photos in the Latest Photos gallery.


The road which runs past Setley Pond is closed at the junction with the A337 (Brockenhurst to Lymington Road) for cattle grid replacement. You can still get to Setley Pond from the Brockenhurst to Sway road (click map to enlarge). Navy Day at Setley Pond on Sunday 6th July! Steering Competition Sunday 20th July, starting at 9.30am finish at 12 noon, entries until 11am.

Spring/Summer Newsletter published

The latest edition of the Clubs Newsletter "Setley Sail" is available from our Newsletters page. See Scale Captain David McNair -Taylor sailing the Cutty Sark... and much more!

Russian Students visit Setley Pond

Russian students from Moscow who are on an exchange visit to Arnewood School visited Setley Pond on Tuesday 17th June. Club members demonstrated a selection of models and the students had a go at helming some of them! Mike Gough of Arnewood School sent the club his thanks and the following message. Here are some more photos from the afternoon.

May/June 2014:

Road Closure to Setley Pond

The road to the pond has been resurfaced and the gate is locked to prevent access. The new surface is very soft and needs to be left without traffic on it to harden, the Forestry Commision estimate it will take about a week dependant on weather. The Club Captain will be informed by the FC when it will be reopened and will let you know. Please do not attempt to drive on the track although you will only be able to do so if you can unlock the gate. If you have a key, do not use it! There will be no club days at SETLEY until the road reopens. Please note that the lane that runs to the south side of the pond is a private access road for the properties down it, if you do park on it you may be asked to move, please do not block access to the properties.

In Memoriam: Peter Oram

(from Scale Section Captain David McNair-Taylor, 31st May 2014:)
"I am afraid this is a very sad message. I have to tell you that one of our long term members and past committee member Peter Oram has sadly passed away after a long period of illness. Peter has been a member of the club for many years, (we used to allocate a number to members as they joined the club and Peter was number 12!!!). He made many lovely models ranging from tugs to lifeboats and indeed he was also a member of the Southern Model Lifeboat Society for many years. He was a very active member of the club and supported all our events ( I have fond memories of Peter commenting on the complexity of the steering competition courses whilst John Frost and I were setting them out !!!) He served on the committee and was always at the lake on club days with his little dog "Ruff" until his illness prevented him from attending but even so he has always managed to keep an interest in the club. He will be sadly missed"

The Funeral was on Friday 27th June in the West Chapel, Stoneham Crematorium, Eastleigh

Navy Day postponed

Navy Day has been moved to Sunday 6th July (it was originally scheduled for 8th June). Scale Section Captain David McNair-Taylor said: " I was at Setley this morning (25th May) and find that the heavy rain has decreased the amount of parking space at the lakeside and the water level remains very high making the edges of the lake slippery and steep drops into the water. Therefore in the interests of member safety and also the lack of space for the safe siting of the display tables and for safety of the models it has been decided to postpone Navy Day. I apologise for any inconvenience caused but we do not want any mishaps to members or their models." The new date for the rearranged Steering Competition from April is now 7th September.

Believe it or not but the four masted schooner pictured above is a Navy Ship - visit our Latest Photos gallery to find out more!

Milford Models

With the demise of many local model shops a reminder that club member Nigel Harper who runs Milford Models and Hobbies (48 High Street, Milford on Sea, Hampshire, SO41 0QD) says that if club members want anything to go and see him if not in shop he will order; also he is now doing laser cutting which David McNair-Taylor has seen and says looks good!

April 2014:

New Web Site Contributions Sought!

At the Club AGM an appeal was made for members to contribute photos and other items of interest to the club for inclusion on the web site, and or the newsletter. Dave Reith has responded with some new photos of his fine model of HMS Clyde. See them via our Latest Photos gallery. Thanks, Dave!

Reminder AGM Wednesday

Reminder to Members, the AGM is this Wednesday 16th April, 7.30pm, Cricket Pavillion, Vaggs Lane, Hordle.

Steering Competition postponed...

Scale Section Captain David McNair-Taylor visited the pond on Tuesday "with regard to the Steering Competition schedu led for this coming Sunday 6th April. Although the water level is falling and we now have space for five cars in the area leading down to the pond, the water level is still very high, the main car park is still covered to several inches and the water is still almost up to the Setley sign, it is therefore too deep for me to be able to safely set up the steering course and space for competitors/members to operate is limited. "


He will look at the position again in a few weeks and arrange a new date. NB If you have a dog that you bring along o r walk at Setley please note that it is now designated by the FC as a risk area for Alabama Rot. Please check your dog o ut after walks etc in the area.

March 2014:

Information on some Real Ships!

Some reference books featuring information on Warships can be borrowed by Club Members from Graham Coombs. In the Latest Photos gallery David McNair-Taylor has provided more photos from his Topsail Schooner Trip, and Peter Taylor of his new (full size) boat, both of which were mentioned in the Winter Newsletter.

Model Boat Exhibition aids RNLI

David McNair-Taylor (Scale Section Captain) said "A big thank you to all who exhibited and supported the show on Saturday, although a couple of members had to pull out at last minute with sickness (hope you recover soon) we had a nice selection of 47 models on show. A big thank you also to Penny Coombs for helping with the collection of Club Subscriptions and to all the other members who helped with setting up and dismantling the display."

David Howell (RNLI Highcliffe Branch secretary) said "The total for yesterdays show was £686-98 an excellent result - please pass on our thanks on to all the members who came and especially to whose who displayed and attended with their models."

Click on the photo (above left) for some general photos of the show by Peter Taylor, and on the photo (right) for some photos of models at the show taken by Chris Chattaway.

Model Boat Exhibition - Saturday 15th March

The Club's Annual Model Boat Exhibition held jointly with the Highcliffe Branch of the RNLI Shoreline Supporters will be held at the Methodist Hall in Lymington Road, Highcliffe on Saturday 15th March between 10am and 3pm. Club members will be able to renew their membership and purchase Club Merchandise. [ Download poster]

Club Membership Fees Reduced...

Due to operational savings and a reduction in show venue costs the committee have decided that we will be able reduce the cost of membership for 2014. The 2014 rates will be as follows: Single members £10, Couple £ 15, Junior £5, Family £20. The Joining fee remains at £5. With regard to membership rates in future years, the position will be reviewed at the end of 2014.

February 2014:

Autumn Newsletter available!

The Winter 2014 Edition" of the SRCMBC's Setley Sail newsletter is available from our Newsletters page.

Water World!

John Joughin took these photos of "Setley Lake" on Saturday (15th February 2014). The small top car park is still above water but the spur road to it is flooded above wellie height! The water can't rise more than another couple of feet since it will then overtop the bank on the western side of the pond.

NB there are deep holes and underwater obstructions in the area between the submerged main car park and the smaller top car park. Wading in that area is not advisable.

January 2014:

The water level continues to rise...

Thanks to Reg Radley for these photos of the pond on Sunday 26th January, taken from the top car park. The water level is reaching new heights with the normal car park well under water and the shore line moved to the upper car park ...and there is still more rain forecast!

Setley Pond from the Air!

Jonathan of LPB Productions was testing out a new drone at Setley Pond during one of the Sailing Sections One Metre race days. His experimental video showing Setley Pond and surroundings from the air, as well as some of the racing, can be viewed by clicking on the photo above, or directly on YouTube. You can see just how large an area is now under water as we come to the end of January 2014 . A view of the pond like you've never seen before!

High Tide at Setley Pond - Again!

Perhaps it is no surprise given the weather at the end of December and the start of January but, for the second year in succession, the pond has over-flowed into the car park. These photos were taken on Sunday 12th January; only a few members braved the cold drizzle and heavier rain was threatening- as we we haven't had enough already this year! Still, less room for cars means more room for model boats!

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Page maintained by Peter Taylor Last modified: 18:25, 18 January 2016