Setley Seasons


Setley Pond through the Seasons

Setley Pond is not a natural pond but the flooded part of a gravel pit (view the history). With no stream flowing through it, the pond shrinks during the summer and readily freezes in winter. Our photo albums show the pond in Spring, Summer and Autumn and in the Winter months. Here is a sample...

In Spring the water level is at its deepest and some years we can launch boats in the car park. The ponies eat gorse until the grass starts to grow, but soon the new born foals are brought to the pond to drink.

In Summer the water iris and water lilies come into bloom, the island becomes a route across the pond, and cattle come to the pond to cool down.

In Autumn the water level is low, there is little water south of the island and the heron must fish closer to the car park; fungi provide colour along the banks.

In Winter we may have snow. If the pond is frozen the ponies have to break the ice to drink. If the pond is not frozen on Boxing Day the Lymington Yacht Club has their annual home-made yacht race.

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Page maintained by Peter Taylor Last modified: 17:06, 09 April 2012