How deep is Setley Pond?
The depth of Setley pond was surveyed using a "Survey Vessel" equipped with an echo sounder and satellite navigation (read more about the survey). The bottom was found to be remarkably flat with typically (in April 2011) about 1.3m water above the top of the mud, silt, or gravel. The deepest area of about 1.5m was near to and south of the planks on the western bank.
At the time of the survey the water level was just lapping over the "island" (see below).
The survey results were confirmed by wading in the pond in October, 2011, when the water level was low.
You can view a light-hearted movie of the event! Apart from where the bottom is gravel, wading in the pond is hard work due to the thick mud and silt. The following diagrams illustrate how the pond depth varies with time.
End of Summer The depth of the pond in October 2011 when the wading movie was made and the water level was low. The photos show what the pond looks like with the water at this level. At this time, the area south of the island is a muddy marsh with hardy any water.
(typical) | (deepest)
Typical Winter Level For example, the depth of the pond in April 2011 when the echo sounder survey was carried out. The water was just lapping over the highest part of the "island" and only a few cm of the planks was visible above the water surface.
(typical) | (deepest)
| Pond "full" Sometimes, by late winter the water laps the edge of, or even covers, the car park. At these times much of the pond is 2m deep or more. The island and the planks are well under water and the pond's cormorant has to perch on one of the buoys!
(right) launching in the car park and (far right) sailing in a flooded car park. The photo provided by Reg Radley is the view from the pond north across the car park!
You could sail in the car park on New Year's Day, 2001. This album of photographs of Setley on Sea 2001" taken by Roger Yeatman shows the pond flooded over the main car park and the land beyond.
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