Directions to Setley Pond

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Setley Pond is located in the New Forest just west of the A337 Brockenhurst to Lymington Road.

Driving south from Brockenhurst... having passed the Filly Inn (on the left), there is a garage offering a hand car wash service on the left hand side and immediately afterward a speed camera protects the right turn off the main road toward the pond (signposted "Burley").

Driving north from Lymington... after you pass the Hobler Inn (on the right) take the next road to the left (signposted "Burley"). If you pass the speed camera and the hand car wash garage you have just missed the turn!

Having turned off the main road ignore the turning immediately left after the cattle grid which leads into Jealous Lane. Instead take the next left after that (maybe about 200m further on) onto a dirt track with a "Setley Pond" sign and a New Forest Car Park post.

Postcode of a nearby house (NOT the pond)... SO41 8PS
Location of the car park... 50o47'27''N 1o34'16''W
Ordinance Survey Grid Reference... SZ 3017 9921

NB IC and Fast Electric boats are not allowed on Setley Pond; they are allowed at Stoney Cross

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Page maintained by Peter Taylor Last modified: 12:09, 24 April 2012